just about reached the start of the I9 transect, and so begins the
dreaded night shift work. 1am to 1pm. Work is expected to begin in a
few hours time with the first mooring retrieval, followed by four or
five continuous CTDs until the next mooring. Due to the depth of the
ocean here (~500m or so), the CTD process will be fairly quick, so it
will be go-go-go from the start of the shift, likely until the end 12
hours later. Fun times! If I don't crash straight after the shift
ends from exhaustion, I will be sure to tell you how it went.
My knee remains slightly swolen, but feels much better. I also had
another accident that I forgot to tell you all. I was rushing up the
outer stairs to get to the monkey deck (the highest place we can go)
to set up my GoPro. Being in a rush, I failed to see a rope that was
placed across the top of the stairs, and ran face first into it, full
force. Believe me, it bloody hurt, and I have a bruise on the corner
of my brow to prove it. Luckily the rope didn't get me across the
neck otherwise I would have likely fallen backwards down the metal
stairs. Also luckily, nobody was around to see me. I'm such a knobber.
A game of assassin has also begun on the ship. The aim is to kill
(not literally) a person who's name you have been given by walking up
to them when nobody else is in sight, and say "you're dead" - quite
tricky! Once dead, you take over their target, and so on until either
you win, or you have been killed. Over 30 hours in, I am still alive
despite walking alone quite often. Others have taken to escorts. I'm
sure I will be killed soon enough...it's just a matter of time.
Not much else to report so I will end it there, and leave you with
yet another penguin photo.
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