Tuesday 4 May 2010

Pics from Surf Camp!

So hopefully this computer will let me upload some pictures from surf camp. Before we get to that, there were a few things that I forgot to mention. The first of these was an adventure Kerry and I took to the toilet one evening. This toilet was no ordinary toilet, it was a shack outside with two toilets inside it. The lights turned on with a sensor but this seemed to only work in the cubicle that I was in. Kerry was already "shitting herself", not literally but because it was dark and the place was full of spiders. I had to stand and keep waving at this sensor so that Kerry could wee whilst attempting to wee myself....However, we were both just laughing so so so much. For some reason we found it incredibly funny and we were laughing in these toilets for a good 5 minutes. We got back to our room and Claire and Sam said that they could here us...I didn't realise we were that loud! Good times!

So now I am laughing reminiscing about the toilet situation that i cant really remember what else I needed to say. So instead I will tell you about the quiz that we took on the way to Surf Camp; basically me and Claire won! We were so damn good, winning all three rounds! Who'd a thunk it huh, Claire and I winning a quiz! OHHH YEA!
Oh I remember now. At the beach at Surf Camp, there were loads of little holes with balls of sand radiating from these holes. They were EVERYWHERE, basically covering the entireity of the beach. After inspecting these holes we realised there were little crabs coming out them, it was crazy! Below is a picture of the sand balls and a crab!
So the shitty computers here in this bloody internet place won't let me even load my pictures now so I am giving up!!!!! From now on I will just write about my adventures and then I will upload the pictures when I get home.
Peace out!

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