Friday, 1 July 2011

The summer school begins – 27th June 2011

Today marked the start of the summer school, and with it, the start of all-day lectures which I have not experienced since my Master days, almost 2 years previously. Luckily the cloud has returned to Longyearbyen, making it much easier being stuck indoors all day - nevertheless I would still like to be out and about exploring the Arctic wilderness and taking photos (no photos taking today :( ). I won’t bore you all with the details of my lectures because frankly, I know you all couldn’t care less, but I will just say thus far, they have been intellectually stimulating, very interesting and pretty intense! Apparently jumping in the deep end, so to speak, is the Norwegian way. The weather seems to be clearing slightly now (10pm), so hopefully tomorrow will bring brighter skies in preparation for our “Wilderness Evening”, whatever the hell that is – hopefully it will involve some photography...

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